You may have heard that we’re 5 years old now. Your support and activity in our community and at our events is a major part of why we’re still here. Our mission is to serve the community and spread the PNW dolphin tank give-first spirit to help you build your tech careers and companies.
We’re incredibly grateful to New Tech members, attendees, presenters and sponsors like you. In appreciation, you’re invited to celebrate with us tonight with a DJ, drinks, appetizers and Tesla test drives!
Making a business last for 5 years isn’t easy. We live it and we get it. Beyond that, we want to make sure that if you’re an entrepreneur or business leader in our community that your business doesn’t suffer the fate of most startups. Our Business Killers Workshop next week will be a deeper dive into this, but for now keep these tips in mind:
Five Reasons 8 out of 10 Businesses Fail
The importance of good record keeping for your business
29 Early stage fundraising pitfalls
16 Common questions about fundraising
From Hiring to Firing: Tips and Resources for Every Stage
The Best Articles On Hiring & Firing Employees
Before the NDA, own the IP rights
If you have additional suggestions of articles, websites or resources that are helpful to you or other business founders, leaders, or employers please reach out. Add them to the comments of this post and we’ll add them to our Resource Guide to help others.